Door control system (Mechanism)
The basic aim and objective for this module report was to design mechanism which assist disable using wheel chair to control the automatic door control system to exit or enter the working or residential place.
Overall concept for the report
To begin making of the design using solid work at initial stage at first the research was done on the components, sensor, door control system and overall mechanism after which the three sketches were drawn, each consist of different mechanism. These mechanism were then rated and the best design was selected in term's of of design, cost, reliability, ease of assembly, safety and service life.
Sketch 1 (CAM/PISTON)
Sketch 3 (BEWEL GEAR)
The sketches gives the rough estimation of how the design should designed using the solid work. Out of these three sketches the rack and pinion mechanism was selected on the basis of the concept matrix analysis. Shown below
Concept Matrix
Final design Using solid work (Rack and pinion)